Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Artistic Liposculpting

Tighten Loose Skin After Weight Loss - Artistic Liposculpting
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Information about Artistic Liposculpting and Dr. Su

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How is Artistic Liposculpting

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Dr. Su has brought together the most recent and most industrialized technologies and tool to furnish his patients with the best liposculpture results possible. You can be sure that there is no safer, gentler, faster healing, or smoother results possible using other techniques. At Artistic Liposculpting Center, they use the "Tumescent technique" local anesthesia, Vaser, and Smart Lipo in combination. Their patients typically can drive to our office and back home by themselves, on the same day. Patients are numbed only in the area to be liposuctioned, therefore they are wide awake and need no normal anesthesia. With the use of Vaser to moderately melt the fat prior to suctioning, there is very little injury to nerves or blood vessels, which is why our "downtime" is 1 day compared to the traditional 1-2 weeks. The typical sick person is back to sedentary work by the next day. The cosmetic results that are possible with the Artistic Liposculpting technique are excellent to traditional liposuction due to the melting of the fat (rather than shearing). Since patients are awake, they can stand to rate themselves during the surgery, in order to visualize the smallest areas of unevenness (something that can't be done during normal anesthesia). Finally, the revolutionary Smart Lipo laser adds a whole new dimension to liposuction by giving Dr. Su the quality to tighten skin that otherwise would remain loose. This is vitally leading for many female patients with abdominal stretch marks and looseness following pregnancy. This tightening effect is also very useful in areas of loose skin on the neck, and arms. Of course, the most leading factor determining good results is the quality of the surgeon performing the surgery. Dr. Su's quality in sculpting the body is excellent due to his artistic eyes and hands, and his uncompromising level of perfection.

Who is eligible for liposuction? Most habitancy who are in a state of good condition are inexpensive candidates for liposuction. habitancy who are garage in their weight and have not been able to take off unwanted areas of fat despite diet and exercise. In fact, many normal weight habitancy have pockets of fat that never seem to go away along with "love handles", outer thighs, male chests, and chin areas. These individuals may be the ideal candidates. Other habitancy who are moderately overweight may have larger localized areas nearby their midsection or thighs that may benefit significantly aesthetically by dismissal of those areas. Unfortunately, very overweight individuals are not ordinarily good candidates. Liposuction should not be considered a substitute or a recipe to achieve full, weight loss. Skin tone is also a factor in determining a good candidate. Removing smaller pockets of fat ordinarily will not influence skin tone. However, when removing thicker pockets of fat or when beginning off with loose skin to begin with, there can be some loose skin afterwards. The Smart Lipo laser assists in skin tightening, but does not have the quality to overcome skin laxity in all cases. Dr. Su will give his best estimation of what to expect during a complimentary consultation. As with all cosmetic surgery, a patient's expectations and the results delivered have to match for a sick person to be satisfied. That is why it is primary for a one on one consult with Dr. Su to address your specific needs. What areas of the body can liposuction be performed on? Virtually all areas of superficial fat on the body can be liposuctioned. Areas that Dr. Su has performed consist of (from head to toe): Cheek / Jowls Back (lower) Thighs (inner) Neck (front) Chest (sides) Thighs (anterior) Neck (posterior hump) Chest (male, frontal) Thighs (outer) Arms (upper) Chest (female frontal) Buttocks Arms (lower) Abdomen (upper) Knees Back (upper) Abdomen (lower) Calves Back (mid) Pelvis Ankles / Feet possible patients will have a complimentary consultation to decree areas to be treated, and given an estimation as to what results can be expected, along with skin quality. Curative history will be reviewed and the candidate may be asked to have some preoperative tests. Any blood thinning drugs or vitamins will need to be stopped (including - aspirin, ibuprofen, plavix, coumadin, vitamin E). Smoking and excess alcohol should be avoided. Prescribe can be prescribed to alleviate anxiety or pain on the day of your procedure. Preoperative medications along with antibiotic and optional mild sedatives are prescribed. What procedure are involved with liposuction? Tiny incisions (1/4 inches/4mm in size) will be made straight through which the instruments will have entrance to the fat. Generally these are placed in unnoticeable sites. For example, to do the whole abdomen requires two incisions at or below the bikini line. After that there are 4 basic steps patients will caress in each area to be liposuctioned. 1. straight through the incision sites, infusion of local anesthetic (tumescent) explication is performed using a long thin cannula. 2. Vaser ultrasonic melting is performed. 3. Suctioning out of the melted fat is done using a smooth edged cannula. 4. SmartLipo lasering of predetermined areas is performed for skin areas that may have laxity.

After Your Procedure: The incision sites allow drainage of remaining tumescent explication that will moderately come out over the following 3-7 days. The sites will close on their own without sutures or steristrips. Some of the remaining fluid in the tissues is absorbed by the body's normal processes over the next week. A compression/support garment is worn over the areas treated in order to facilitate fluid drainage as well as hold the Curative tissues together. The garment is worn for 2-5 weeks depending on the situation. It is advisable to have someone stay with you for the first 24 hours. Patients may drive home as long as they have not taken sedatives during the procedure. They may return to light work the following day and to more corporeal activities as tolerated (usually within a week). Most patients need only Tylenol for discomfort following their procedure. Typically 3-4 postoperative follow-ups are schedule after the procedure. The history of Liposuction Liposuction was industrialized in the 1970's and was performed initially with patients under normal anesthesia using large bore suction instruments (cannulas). This required that a sick person be in a hospital or larger sick person surgical center under the administration of a surgeon as well as anesthesiologist. The cannulas used with this recipe have rough or sharp edges since the suction operation alone would not be enough to pull fat out. These cannulas in effect suck in and shear fat off in small bits and inevitably shear blood vessels, nerves, and connective tissue as well. This recipe which is still Generally used by plastic surgeons today typically results in downtime from work of 1-2 weeks and primary soreness and bruising. Sometimes overnight hospitalization is required. Fortunately, a primary improve has been made known as "Tumescent Technique". In 1987 a Us dermatologic surgeon industrialized a technique known as "tumescent technique" using local anesthetic mixed with saline that is infused into the areas to be treated while a sick person is awake. This resulted in patients avoiding the need for normal anesthesia which has been the most common factor involved in major cosmetic surgical operation complications. Patients have thus been able to drive to and from their surgical operation the same day of the procedure with minimal or no sedatives. The bleeding and bruising have also been significantly reduced due to this technique. One of the main benefits of tumescent technique liposuction is that it can be performed in a small office surgical suite due to the absence of normal anesthesia and the involved monitoring that goes with it. Not all tumescent liposuction techniques are the same. The cosmetic results, as well as the injury to tissues other than fat, are still dependent on the cannulas used to take off the fat. Many physicians doing tumescent technique liposuction still rely on suctioning with sharp edged cannulas which leads to more soreness and bruising. The development of Vaser and Smart Lipo being used with the tumescent technique has brought on a much more industrialized level of liposuctioning. Vaser

Vaser by Sound Surgical Technologies is a principles used to melt fat tissue prior to suctioning it from the body. The Vaser instrument consists of an ultrasonic hand piece-wand which is used internally to melt fat once the area is locally anesthetized. The wand visually resembles a traditional suction cannula, but does no suctioning and has no sharp edges. With 10-20 minutes of vasering, the fat is sufficiently melted to moderately take off it with a smooth edged suction cannula. The Vaser gadget selectively melts the fat cells as a matter of fact while doing very little damage to blood vessels, nerves, or connective tissue. This Vaser selectivity combined with use of a smooth edged cannula allows the fat to be removed approximately completely and efficiently with minimal injury to connective tissues, blood vessels and nerves that we desire to preserve. Patients that have liposuction with the Vaser system, typically have very little bleeding or bruising and are back to work the next day. Some temporary nerve injury does occur, but is also minimal when compared with traditional techniques of liposuction. Smart Lipo Smart Lipo by Cynosure is a laser used to sustain in liposculpture or achieve small areas of liposculpture independently. This laser gadget using a fiber optic cable housed in an highly thin cannula effectively melts fat and has a diameter similar to a shoreline of angel hair pasta. The Smart Lipo laser can be used in a fashion similar to the Vaser principles to melt fat prior to suctioning it out. It also preserves the wanted tissues (blood vessels, nerves, connective tissue) very well. Due to the slower nature of the melting with this laser, it is not well suited to doing liposuction independently on large areas of fat. The major benefits of the Smart Lipo laser are that it provides the quality to tighten and firm skin which has not been available to traditional techniques or to Vaser. The tightening effect on skin is a effect of collagen contracture and more importantly to new collagen formation (neocollagenesis) which is a response of the skin to the heating from the laser. The tightening effect is a gradual process over the next of 3-6 months. Other benefits that can be quite primary are improvements in cellulite and stretch marks, which typically are unresponsive to most treatments. In most cases Dr. Su uses the Smart Lipo laser as a final step for tightening only in adopt areas that need skin tightening.

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