Monday, June 4, 2012

Short chapter in understanding - Part 2

Loose Skin After Weight Loss - Short chapter in understanding - Part 2
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Loose Skin After Weight Loss! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends.

To be in the occasion is an almost unbearable, a Sisyphean task, but it is a task that yields its own rewards. Flowing means being an inseparable part of the cosmic power that surrounds us. This power is that of unconditional, infinite Love. This power ebbs and flows with each harmonious act of giving and accepting. In this manner, things are closed as if on their own volition. They happen at the right time and in the right way. They fall into place within the best possible circumstances that can perhaps exist in any given moment.

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How is Short chapter in understanding - Part 2

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from Loose Skin After Weight Loss.

The sea that leads its waves to the shore again and again without stopping even for a moment, symbolizes the ego within our daily activities. The incessant roar, the spray, the sparkle that glints on the water - all of them generate the illusion of an infinite, hectic movement, while in reality all this action only serves to hide the real essence at the lowest of the sea where life exists away from the finding eye. For us, as for the sea, all our activities are illustrated on the surface.

Daily activities done mechanically blind our inner sight, and lead to the delusion that the real world is the material one we scrutinize through the eyes of our persona.

Our insatiable hunger for love remains intact and no achievement, any way great - no victory, any way hard-fought - no object, regardless of its value - will ever fill the formidable void created within us.

Dependence on the many crutches we lean on, such as our work, our money, our social status, our fame, our achievements, as well as alcohol, entertainment, sex, shopping etc., cannot lift the man beyond the boundaries of the dinky ego. Our hunger for a union with our infinite, limitless Self only make us more reliant on these crutches, thus foregoing all hope of ever being liberated and standing freely.

The more we endeavor to control moments and events, the more they enslave us - the more they hang colse to our neck like an iron weight. It is for a good calculate that in the Talmud it is written "win a slave, win a master." Our insatiable hunger causes us to mistake its source and we place the stress on the corporal side: the expansion of personal asset distorts reality and, instead of letting our soul guide us, the reins are held by the persona who can never be satisfied because, as a dinky tool, for her own survival she is dependent on energies covering to her self. The persona sucks in this power from all colse to and positions herself by using willpower or desire - the persona's most noteworthy tools.

The more materialistic the persona, the greater need she will have to discharge more of this power in order to stay alive until, finally, desires out of control will lead her to self-destruct. Gross matter tends to behave according to the Law of Attraction of Earth, and it weighs down whoever is inclined toward gross lower corporal desires while forgetting their divine origin, as in an ancient story about the Sons of God who descended into Earth. It is said that they fell in love with the daughters of Men. They became so absorbed with lustful desires and lower energies that they had come to be unable to use their wings.

The moral of this story is that we, pure souls, are imprisoned within a body that exists only to satiate its base desires. The 'desired body' - our willpower - is no different than 'a loose canon' and, systematically, it leads us to fail our soul as we fail others. Our soul is an inseparable part of God. As such, our soul is attached to all other souls in an eternal tie. All souls belong to a higher dimension - one in which energies are much more delicate and mightier than that of earth-bound personas - thus souls are stronger and mightier than anything imaginable.

The term 'higher dimension' does not mean that worlds exist one above the other, the higher one stacked on top of the lower one. In reality, worlds exist one within the other like Russian nesting dolls, and the highest worlds are the most inner ones. They are the ones who give the essence, the article and the power to the lower, grosser worlds. This works exactly like an motor that sets in appeal the whole vehicle, although it is private from the observer's eyes. The higher is one's personal spiritual elevation, the stronger is one's energetic power and, therefore, the greater is one's ability to control the lower levels of one's persona.

Faith means security. To have faith in our soul means we rely on energies that break through all levels and, consequently, events manifest themselves with the speed of light. The man needs only to ask - and the ask is granted immediately. When all the blockages are removed, all is delivered to us on time, and there is no need to exert pressure on any aspect of our lives. All flows colse to us exactly like the breeze.

Wind is the fastener of life of Earth. Without it there would be no life on our planet. When the wind blows gently, it inspires softness, tenderness and evokes the feeling of a loving, comforting caress. Even the leaf won't fall off its tree. But when the wind blows hard, it uproots trees and destroys homes. It brings along dark clouds that publish heavy rains that flood the ground, as if all of Nature's forces were united into one entity aiming to cleanse earth from some of the filth that has stuck to her from time immemorial. Walking the spiritual Path is difficult because the persona needs to convert her mechanical behavior by letting go and by surrendering to Soul.

From childhood onwards, contemporary community teaches us that being competitive, a high achiever, one who controls her own destiny by intervening in all its aspects, is good practice. However, these behaviors lead to violence against the self and violence against others - in one form or another. There is no competition on The Path. If you won't give your brother a helping hand, in the plentifulness of time he will drag you backwards. The spiritual Path is a path of sacrifice, of infinite giving, of being all the time ready to others. It is the path of the open heart.

Our constant desire to 'achieve' and 'win' over others is merely symptomatic of our infinite hunger for love. This modern-day form of beggary will never be the key to chance our heart - not even after we have achieved all that is achievable. Not even if all the medals that can be won have been won.

All that is alive on Earth - plants, animals and human beings - is reacting to the voice of the heart. Soul will never be article with a love that is conditional.

In our culture, the wealthy are as much beggars as the poor. Their compulsion to hoard objects, asset and money has its roots in the same inner hunger for love.

It can be said that every particular masterpiece is but an imitation of Life and Nature. The fact that, today, works of art are praised mostly according to their financial value, says it all.

Thousands of charitable organizations procure donations to deliver money that is not theirs. Their line of enterprise brings them accolades, appreciation and love. Be that as it may, confusion in the middle of the aim and the means is the calculate why such organizations are failing in their mission to lift the poor out of starvation and institutionalized dependence. These organizations only generate a disablement on both sides - a mutual dependence on emotional crutches. Money is a neutral matter like every other matter. In itself, money is neither good nor bad, but the power colse to money, which is used only as a commodity instead of being a channel for love in the middle of welfare organizations and their beneficiaries, gets soiled.

Because the persona is a dinky system, she needs a constant reparation of power from covering of herself and she sucks from others, mostly by controlling them. Soul, on the other hand, is an inseparable part of the cosmic power and as such she replenishes herself - the more she gives, the fuller she becomes. Such is the magic of the soul and such is the private of the soul.

Life is an incessant flow within the infinite, and Nature is its reflection. Within this infinite flow, human beings have created a cocoon within which they have established governments, culture, religions, malls and also all kinds of rules. From generation to generation, they have taught their children to find happiness within the artificial establish of this community - a pursuance equal to that of swimming against the tide. It's adequate to see what happens in America when a cyclone sweeps through, removing every blockage on its way - be it a building, a tree, a car or a train.

The accusing finger all the time pointed at Nature's forces unleashed reflects our inability to understand that creating artificial blocks where the flow will not be restrained will plainly lead to discrete explosive behaviors. Therefore citizen use unnecessary power and power just to survive inside this artificial cocoon. That barely repressed power expresses itself through inward and outward violence. It also expresses itself in the compulsion to build greater structure and giant malls, as if construction bigger blockages could ever stop the flow of life. Even the most dam of the world will not withstand the pressure of flowing water that floods anything stands in its way. Our noteworthy armies, equipped with weapons of mass destruction, attest to our ignorance and to our blindness.

The most repressive police system in the world only fosters more criminals and more gratuitous violence. Cause and consequent are interconnected and inseparable. The mere existence of heavy armies creates political tensions and international conflicts because the inner drive imprinted within them eventually bursts into outward expression. Huge structure cause imbalance by distorting the flow of power colse to and through them. The higher up and away from vegetation and the ground's power we live, the thinner the oxygen we breathe. The Law of Attraction is not strong adequate to preclude neurological and corporal symptoms such as loss of balance, dizziness, headaches and other symptoms of unease.

Mother Nature has in case,granted us with all that we need to live healthily: air, water and food; material for clothing and protection as well as life-sustaining energy. The closer we can get back to her - the better our communities will fare.

When, for example, we look at a tree, what do we see? What do we feel? Are we grateful to the tree for granting us shade under the hot sun? For the paper we use daily? For the furniture that furnishes our houses? For the house in which we live? For the attractiveness that it emits all around, and without which the world would be a scorched desert?

When we think all of Nature's treasures - along with the fauna and flora within it - purely from a selfish utilitarianist perspective, our lack of understanding shrinks the world colse to us to the dimension of our needs. What ensues are needs ever more restrictive, designed to serve the persona's immediate desires which, if not satiated, will again erupt in one form of violence or another.

Attempting to see the world through the eyes of the dinky persona reduces and trivializes all that we do, because the whole is again separated into tiny parts that are unable to discharge and reflect back the whole picture.

When soul sends a message such as "Know unconditional love,' the persona understands it as 'Have sex now.' This blind ignorance is what leads men to a prostitute from whom they can 'buy love.' Both the prostitute and her clients are struck by an illness that has, as its source, the same insatiable hunger for love.

Once again, the money exchanged is the commodity that connects them. But when the heart is blocked, money is valueless and it loses its true purpose as a channel that connects people. Symbolically, money represents the high values of love, compassion, acceptance and giving. As money passes from hand to hand, it provides us with the golden chance to open our heart and to deliver these high values through its channel.

The best speculation of money is done by retention it in a state of constant flow. Otherwise, it come to be moldy and rancid like food stored too long. The more we give from an open heart, the more the value of money grows - both spiritually and physically. Let's say that a man asks for help and, after having obtained that help, s/he offers to pay in lieu of a thankyou. Should the man accept the money, the replacement of "give and get" will cancel out the original intention. The replacement that began as a gesture of goodwill is then reduced to a mere enterprise transaction and no real convert can occur for anyone. The circle of love cannot spread outwards. However, if the helper says, "No, I don't want money. If you want to pay me back in any way, be nice to man else for free, without any strings attached, without even expecting a thankyou. And maybe this man will also do a favor to man else for free, etc." Then and only then will the world come to be a better place.

Only then will power begin to flow from one man to other - without being blocked at every turn. When man barters their kindness for money, their action becomes afflicted with the disease of covetousness which defeats the original purpose. The spiritual powers imprinted within us are intended to lift us back to the rank of the angels we were at the time of our creation. The attractiveness we feel colse to us reflects the inner attractiveness of our infinite soul. When the heart is open, the eyes see union, love, faith and truth; for under the discrete colors of our skin, our ideas and emotions, we are all identical. The blood that flows in our veins is red; our lungs breathe oxygen and our body consumes food in which we have all shared from output to consumption.

Spiritual enlightenment means that we understand that - while within the artificial environment citizen have created and from which they fight each other for a piece of bread, of land, a sum of money, a better position, a new mode of controlling each other this way or that way - in the real dimension things remained unchanged, exactly like the tumbler of water. They are as harmonious and exquisite as ever.

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